Life of Brad James
A man-child’s carefree escapades through three various instances, where consequences seem to vanish into thin air.
Directed by Jonathan Salmon
In the words of director Jonathan Salmon, Life of Brad James explores the “whimsical and stagnant nature of individuals who resist personal growth”. In a playful yet thought-provoking series of carefree escapades, we follow the misadventures of Brad James, a man-child with a penchant for avoiding consequences. Inspired by his own observations of the carefree man-child persona within himself and those around him, Salmon crafts a brilliant short series that not only encourages viewers to discover amusement in this relatable character but also prompts wider conversations around self-awareness - leaving us to ponder the ramifications of unchecked selfishness.
We love a man-child and Brad James is a very talented one at that! What was your creative approach in crafting the character?
The start was pouring my own quirks and traits into Brad James, drawing from my daily life and embracing the goofy, unserious moments life constantly likes to throw in my face. Sometimes gentle. Other times as a brick. The narrative found its roots in my own memorable experiences through a daily practice of journaling or making notes on my phone. So when I wanted to make the character, swapping in Brad as the lead of my life was a natural fit.
You've mentioned that the film is inspired by observations of aspects you see within yourself and those around you. Can you elaborate on that? Perhaps with some examples (we love an anecdote)?
Everything really came from daily journal practice then expanded from there. I’d become aware of friends and family members, moving through life without any thought or regret, which is really admirable to me. The world feels much more simple when you know exactly what you want and you move after it. I’d discover new hobbies or reflect on past situations and wonder what’s the worst, most silliest possible thing that could ever happen.
The fashion, styling and overall vibes are pretty iconic. Can you tell us how you approached the visual narrative of the piece and who helped you in bringing your vision to life?
This was a very hands-on and inclusive approach for everyone involved since it was an 100% self-funded passion project, which allows the cast and crew to bring in their own style and creativity without any boundaries. The actors had used their wardrobe and always relayed any new ideas, while David Okolo, our talented DP, helped to elevate the look and feel. Everyone had contributed to this project from start to finish.
“The narrative found its roots in my own memorable experiences through a daily practice of journaling or making notes on my phone”
The right choice of cast is key in the hilarious delivery of Brad James. Tell us about how you decided Zack Fox was your man.
I've known Zack Fox for years, and he's always had natural charisma. This was the second time that I’ve worked with Zack, the first was on Backyard Barber, which every moment we filmed was funny, memorable, and real. Which is hard since comedy can sometimes feel forced, but Zack brings an effortless charm that elevates every scene and allows it to be personal and straightforward. So then with Brad James, I wrote these shorts for him and fortunately, he was down. Also the worst he could say was no? It's not like he's going to blow up my house.
You co-wrote the film with Khari Johnson. How did you work together? Anything you can share on your collaborative process?
Khari and I often collaborate on projects, sending our ideas back and forth on a consistent basis. Our first project was Bizarro World. So the second time around, we started the process by asking ourselves, "What's available to us right now?" From there, I threw together random ideas (whether personal or fictional), and then we bounced them back and forth from outline to script and through filming. This allows the process to be as honest, fluid, and egoless as possible. It’s crucial to prioritize the best idea and nourish it with time and patience while maintaining a strong collaborative and creative partnership. It’s like nurturing a weird little baby that relies on your growth.
Lastly, how have people responded to Life of Brad James? Do you think many viewers felt “seen"?
The response has been incredible. The series has over 100k views on Instagram, and it's still gaining attention every day. These were shorts that were created at the end of 2022, so it's rewarding to see people still laughing and connecting with the characters after a while away. Personally, it's been validating as a new filmmaker in comedy since it means people are watching, and hopefully laughing. Because if people have a giggle, then I’m happy with that.
Starring: Mekki Leeper, Zack Fox, Langston Kerman, Matthew Law, Justin "Mexico" Grant, Garrick Bernard
Director: Jonathan Salmon
Writers: Jonathan Salmon and Khari Johnson
Executive Producers: Jonathan Salmon and Johnny Hernandez
Producers: Joseph Barbalaco and Johnny Hernandez
1st AD: Khari Johnson
PA: Christian Riesgo and Joe Dale
Director of Photography: David Okolo
1st AC: Jo Choi
Editors: Jonathan Salmon and Nick O'Neill
AE: Gabriel Basaca
Colorist: Briana Brackett
Sound Designer: Dean S Lee
Production Designer: Sergio Ochoa
Sound Mixers - Jose Castro and Joseph Agredano
Special Thanks - Ayesha Minocha