La Fuga dei Cervelli
Directed by Mathieu Mondoulet and Thibaut Eiferman
La Fuga dei Cervelli is an expression that designates a gradual exhaustion or flight of youth by emigration to a more favorable place according to its qualities. This expression is often used in a political or economic context, for example referring to Italian youth leaving their country for fear of not finding a job. In this video it finds another meaning; here this flight refers to those who wish to find a meaning to their life - towards nature and towards their nature. Instead of a flight to pursue over-individualization, the "favorable" place is one of collective effort to return to the essence of things.
“We all walk according to who we are socially. The body is a receptacle for everything we have experienced. Our identities are boxes filled with ideas imposed upon us according to the norms of the world we live in. Since childhood, we are trained in a way that dictates who we will be and perhaps that takes away the awareness of choosing or the freedom to choose for ourselves.” - Mathieu Mondoulet and Thibaut Eiferman.

Director: Mathieu Mondoulet
Director: Thibaut Eiferman
Writer: Mathieu Mondoulet
Writer: Thibaut Eiferman
Producer: Thibaut Eiferman
Key Cast: Thibaut Eiferman
Key Cast: Chiara Corbetta