Young Director Award 2023 Selection

Hot picks from YDA; keeping readers in the loop


By Curation Hour  

The Young Director's Award released the list of this year's exceptional and brilliant works of emerging filmmakers from around the world, curating a selection of short films and videos that challenge the filmmaking landscape and storytelling. While the website celebrates the diverse visions of these young directors, Curation Hour is pleased to see earlier published works - I Am Whole by Bianca Poletti, Jacked - Never Stop Racing by Giada Bossi and Sorry I am Late, I was masturbating by Alena Shevchenko - in the list. Curation Hour took the initiative to feature some of the thought-provoking, engaging and visually alluring projects below. 


Split Second by Sinan Sevinç and This is ESCAC-Spot by Lucas Parra

With an interesting take on how the camera lens transports the audience to another dimension and narrative, Split Second shows a fraction of a second that changes the world, and delves into the stories behind three of the most influential and iconic photos in human history. Meanwhile, This ESCAC-Spot pays tribute to the cinema with some of the most iconic shots from film history.

Power of Nature

Nature Attack by Erik Sémashkin and Pepedrilo by Victor Cartas Valdivia

The breathtaking landscapes and two different stories of individuals connecting with nature, but one of the characters is doomed to reap what he sows. The two films raise questions about the future of the living world while showing its present beauty. 

Commercial Storytelling

The Plimsoll by Jackie Lee and The Ilac Center - A Place for Everyone by Dave Fox

Tackling the essence of a product through its history and connection to consumers. Differing in style, both offer a unique storytelling mode, which beautifully and humorously represents the brand.


Call Me Mommy by Tara O'Callaghan and Heart Valley by Christian Cargill

Juggling the demands of single motherhood and an online sex industry job, Sinead O'Connell finds herself torn between her love for her children and the pressures of her work both requiring her attention. Meanwhile, Heart Valley portrays the life of Wilf Davies, a compassionate shepherd dedicated to his family of one hundred black-spotted sheep, as he navigates his routine in the valley he's never left.

Pinch of Humour

The Giving Dead by Florian Reittner and Igor Loves His Car by Evan Bourque

Among the serious themes discussed in the selection, The Giving Dead and Igor Loves His Car give off mixed feelings, yet the aftertaste leaves us with a slight smile on the face, which at times is much needed.


Berlin Commercial 2023


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